NEW GORE® PHASEFLEX® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies: High phase and amplitude stability at an affordable price for high-density and modular test applications
Introducing Gore's new Type 0N — the smallest, lightest, most rugged assembly on the market today with stable performance up to 50 GHz for multi-port VNAs.

Smallest diameter, lightest weight, most electrically stable
For complex instruments connecting up to 32 or more assemblies to test microwave/RF components and high-speed devices and assemblies, Type 0N delivers consistent, repeatable measurements with stable electrical performance up to 50 GHz.
Yet it has a smaller diameter at 5.3 millimeters (0.21 inches) and is lighter weight at 68 grams (2.4 lbs.) per meter compared to alternative assemblies. This unique compact design makes initial routing much easier in cramped spaces and reduces the stress on test ports and DUTs as more assemblies are connected to test instrument ports and fixtures.
Performance you can gain, but also with an impressive level of mechanical protection without sacrificing size or weight!
Extremely durable, flexible construction

Image courtesy of Keysight Technologies, Inc.
Like our broad portfolio of GORE PHASEFLEX Microwave/RF Test Assemblies, our rugged Type 0N resists crushing, kinking and twisting for improved durability and longer service life. This high-density test assembly also withstands continuous movement and flexing while delivering enhanced phase and amplitude stability.
The combination of protection and performance coupled with the reduced size and weight makes our new Type 0N ideal for modular, multi-port, and multi-site test applications such as:
- 5G test and interconnection
- component and device R&D, and production test
- high-speed digital test devices and assemblies
- modular test instruments like PXIe and AXIe
- RF switches
Increased test efficiency, reduced cost of test
Our new Type 0N connected to your test application means less calibration and troubleshooting, improved test results, faster throughput, longer service life, and less overall costs. Stable electrical performance and durable mechanical protection now and over time in a smaller package at a price you can afford!