White Paper: Proving Installed Performance of Airframe Microwave Assemblies

White Papers, Anglais
When choosing military aircraft components, lasting performance is always a top consideration. Yet while many cables perform dependably prior to installation, the challenges of routing leave them damaged and ill-prepared for the rigors of the aircraft’s flight envelope. That’s why W. L. Gore & Associates developed an installation simulator to prove their microwave assemblies delivered the same reliability before and after installation. White Paper: Proving Installed Performance of Airframe Microwave Assemblies takes a closer look at how the simulator works and the value of cables that deliver promised results.
About the White Paper
Due to size and space constraints, installing microwave assemblies in airframes has always been challenging. Complex routing paths expose cable jackets to friction, bending, and torque, causing many cables to fail upon installation. Given the harsh aerospace conditions these cables will experience during flight, including exposure to rapid pressure, temperature, and humidity changes and a variety of fluids and vapors, damage often leads to diminished signal integrity and failure over time.
To ensure expected, long-term performance, GORE-FLIGHT® Microwave Assemblies for civil and defense aircraft undergo rigorous testing with Gore’s installation simulator. White Paper: Proving Installed Performance of Airframe Microwave Assemblies provides an in-depth look at how this advanced testing device exposes microwave assemblies to the real-world rigors of installation, ensuring they deliver the same high level of performance for the life of the aircraft.
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